Update on current situation
STRENGHTENING LEVEL 2 (from 15. of July 2020)
Due to the safety precautions, we introduced level 2 to all our employees on 16. March 2020.
The current situation in Slovenia is in general still a step better than in our neighboring states which means we do have much lower number of infected. In the town of our company, the number of infected people is minimal.
Since today, we have one infected person. It is already known that the infection originates outside of the company. The person, was immediately, as stated in internal act Dealing with Covid-19 infections among employees, sent into self-isolation and was withdrawn from the company’s further working process until further notice.
To ensure strict and high internal healthy standards of the working environment, all of the co-workers in close proximity were tested for infection, too. We are pleased to announce that no subsequent infection has been identified with any of the co-workers mentioned.
Production so far has not been influenced from the virus.
We are highly concerned for the health, safety and comfort of our employees and their families, all our customers, suppliers and all business partners. On the other hand, we need to bear in mind the need to maintain continuity of the business process on the side of both customers and ourselves.
We would like to inform you about the necessary steps we have taken to be able to maintain our potential in operational continuity and full readiness for the challenges ahead in the coming times.
We intensely use the same measures as in March, like:
• Partially we work from home,
• Instead of personal visits, we use phone-conferences and emails,
• no meetings in personal,
• no groups of 3 and up,
• we lowered the number of sits in the canteen to minimum,
• we put up information posters and additional tanks with disinfectant fluids have been placed on the company’s premises,
• for all employees who have direct contact with outer workers (drivers of trucks for logistics) the obligation to use ancillary protective equipment has been introduced, e.g. special masks, protective gloves, glasses, etc.,
• We have introduced additional actions aimed at frequent disinfection of work stations (e.g. at production – especially at the end and start of shifts, including cleaning touch panels controlling machines) and common cloakrooms, toilets and communication routes (including door handles, handrails, turnstiles, etc.),
• we abandoned the planned trainings, conferences and other collective, limiting them to the necessary minimum, mainly provided for by law (e.g. health and safety training) – for such cases we have also prepared appropriate safety, hygiene and mobility rules in designated areas,
• we limited access to the company’s main buildings, and in the case of moving around buildings, but still on the company’s premises, we implemented the principles of safety, hygiene and mobility for outsiders, in particular drivers and couriers, but also for employees of external companies, e.g. in cases of necessary services or for our employees permanently staying mainly outside the main buildings
• a special mode of receiving and sending shipments has been developed, observing the principles of safety and hygiene,
• We implemented special rules regarding physical deliveries and for drivers coming to us from outside for common safety and comfort.
In conclusion, we would like to emphasize our great determination to eliminate and / or limit all risks and threats arising from the current situation.
At the same time, we encourage you to introduce the widest possible procedures in your company so that we together and as soon as possible limit the development of a pandemic and face this global threat.
Sibo G. will inform you weekly on www.sibo-group.eu/en/news of the change of the status.
Yours faithfully, Sibo G. team